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10 Beyond Cool Fun Facts About Cows

Cows are one of the most popular animals on this planet. They’re used for milk, to produce meat and as working animals. However, they may not be as boring as they sound. If you take a look at the below facts, you’ll see just how interesting cows can be.

Cows are incredibly useful, but have you ever stopped to think about their downright fascinating history? After reading this article, you’ll never look at a farm animal the same way again. Here are 10 Beyond Cool Fun Facts About Cows..

They can smell an apple in a tree a mile away.

Even more impressive: cows can smell odors from up to five miles away. That’s like detecting the smell of an apple in a tree, then realizing that the tree is a mile away. And the cow would have sniffed out that apple and rubbed it off before you could even say “bovine olfactory receptors.” Like most mammals, cows rely strongly on their sense of smell as a means of gathering information about their environment, and they use it to detect odors from other living things, especially predators or other animals in distress.

They have excellent memories.

Cows have such good memories that they can remember up to 50 other cows and even recognize their mothers despite meeting them over a decade ago. They can also remember people who have been kind to them, as well as how to get back to the food they like by remembering its location.

Cows are social animals

Cows are social animals. They like spending time with their friends, and they form close bonds with other cows. Cows have best friends, and they prefer to spend most of their time with these friends than with other cows they don’t know as well.

Cows are colorblind to red

Despite being a mammal, the human retina contains three different kinds of color receptors (cones), while the cattle’s retina contains only two types of cones. This means that cows have a dichromatic color vision as opposed to the typical trichromatic vision seen in humans, who have red, blue and green cone cells. While humans can distinguish between these colors, cows cannot see red at all because they lack the ability to perceive it! By definition, “color blindness” is an inherited condition that can be limited to a single hue or multiple hues; it’s typically caused when one of these cone cell types doesn’t function correctly due to genetic mutations on certain chromosome pairs called X-linked genes located within our DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). In some cases though—like with cows—all three types may not be present so there won’t even be any type left for them to inherit if their parents had already passed down defective ones from before birth! You could say this makes bovines slightly more “color blind” than humans who only lose part of their capability such as seeing blue instead of red etcetera…

Cows spend most of the day eating and sleeping

Did you know that cows aren’t constantly munching? Cows spend nearly two hours a day eating, while they spend another two hours ruminating. That is, they spend two hours breaking down the food they ate so it can be digested properly. After all this hard work, your average cow spends half a day resting and the other half of her day sleeping.

A cow’s heart beats between 48-84 times per minute

Did you know that a cow’s heart beats slower than a human’s?

While the average adult human heart beats at a rate of 48-84 times per minute, cows clock in with an average heart rate between 48-84 beats per minute. This lower rate is due to several factors: cows have a slower metabolism than humans and their hearts are larger. A cow’s heart rate also varies depending on their activity level—for example, when they’re sleeping your bovine buddy’s heartbeat will slow—and whether or not they’re experiencing any health issues. Finally, if you want to get technical about it, the breed of cow matters here as well.

An average cow drinks 30-50 gallons of water a day

You read that right! Cows drink about the same amount of water as a human does every day.

Fun fact: A cow’s average body temperature is around 102°F.

The water helps the cows digest grassy food and provides much-needed hydration for milk production, so ensuring that there is plenty of fresh, clean water available for cows is an important responsibility for farmers.

Cows can produce 125 pounds of saliva a day

Cows produce up to 125 pounds of saliva per day. When you consider how much food cows eat—about 40 pounds a day—it’s not surprising that they need to produce a lot of saliva to break down their food before it gets to their stomachs. This is different from humans, for whom saliva production is triggered by the act of chewing and swallowing. You see, cows don’t chew their cud before swallowing it; instead, they swallow it whole and regurgitate it later in order to re-chew it. So while they continuously produce saliva while eating, they only do so at a rate of 6-8 gallons per day because most of their saliva is used during the digestion process rather than the eating process.

Did you know that on average, cows spend 8 hours a day eating? Or that in more than 40 countries across the world, including India and Mexico, cows are considered sacred animals? With such interesting facts about cows out there, there’s no doubt that these gentle creatures have made our lives more productive and fun!

Unlike humans, cows have no upper front teeth. Instead they have a thick pad on the top jaw

The only things cows put in their mouths are grass, grains and hay. The front teeth of a cow is called the incisors, which are found on the bottom jaw. Unlike humans, cows have no upper front teeth. Instead they have a thick pad on the top jaw. The molars and premolars of a cow do not have flat surfaces like our teeth do; instead, they are rounded and help grind up all that food by moving in a back-and-forth motion as cows chew., like your hand grinding against another hand.

Cows can chew 50 times per minute!

Cows have a single stomach but four different digestive compartments

You might not be aware of it, but the stomachs of cows are pretty cool. Cows are ruminant animals and have a single stomach with four compartments. These compartments aid in digesting grasses and other plant material. The first compartment is called the rumen. It’s huge, being able to hold 50 gallons of partially-digested food! That’s almost as big as an average garbage can. Additionally, it has a unique microbial ecosystem that breaks down toxins found in plants, making them edible for the cow.

The second compartment is called the reticulum and is also known as the “honeycomb,” because of its shape consisting of ridges and pockets. This compartment helps to break down cellulose from plant matter that cows eat—something humans don’t have much luck doing on their own!

The third compartment is called the omasum and is sometimes referred to as “the book” or “the bible.” This name refers to its many layers that resemble pages in a book (or bible). The omasum’s role is to absorb water and nutrients from food before passing it along into the fourth part: abomasum, which functions similarly to a human stomach by secreting acids and enzymes that help further break down food for absorption into your bloodstream and tissue.

This is what cows do with their time

Cows spend most of their time doing two things: eating and sleeping. In fact, cows spend about 8 hours a day eating, 8 hours ruminating (chewing their cud), and 8 hours sleeping. This low-key lifestyle is probably why they have such pleasant personalities.

It’s impressive how much food cows can eat in that amount of time, considering they only have one stomach—but it has four different digestive compartments to break down the grasses and grains that make up the bulk of their diet. It seems counterintuitive that animals with so many teeth (32) don’t actually chew their food with them—instead cows use a thick pad on the top jaw to grind feed before swallowing.

Cows are also very good at finding food; they can smell an apple laying in the grass from as far away as a mile.

Best Cow Gift For Cow Lover

Are you looking for special Gifts for Cow Lovers in your life? If so, check out our top picks below. We have searched high and low to find the best cow owner gifts that are not only unique but also useful.

This category has been dedicated to all things cows, but our focus is on cows as pets. We have compiled a list of some of our favorite cow gifts that we think would make great gifts for any cow lover. There are many different types of products out there, but these are some of the best ones we have come across so far.

We can guarantee that you will not find a better selection than what you see here on this page. Take some time to browse through our catalog and find one that suits your needs and budget perfectly! 

  • Cow Keychain- This keychain is my favorite cow gift. I love this cute little keychain, designed with a cow on it. It looks great and is very cute in hand. This gift is made from high-quality material that doesn’t hurt your hand. If you are looking for a stunning cow gift then this is the best option for you.
  • Cow Drink Coaster – If you are looking for a simple and cheap but creative and amazing gift for a cow lover then go with this option. This drink coaster will give an amazing look to your home and can use this coaster as a pen stand also. The color of this coaster is yellow which gives it extra beauty and makes it more attractive.
  • Cow Mugs – Mug is one of the most common and popular gifts. But if you are thinking of buying a unique mug then here is something unique for you which will surely make your day better than ever before.
  • A cow hoodie – perfect for those cool summer nights when you want something cozy and warm around your shoulders. Also great during the winter months because it keeps your head nice and warm; no more frozen ears!
  • Cow socks – these are great for those who love their feet! Just slip these on with any pair of shoes or boots and they’ll feel like they’re walking on air all day long without even realizing it until after work when they take them off…