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Why People Like Beer

People like beer for a number of reasons, including the social bonding, taste preferences and culture surrounding it. People who drink beer also may enjoy its health benefits or simply enjoy getting drunk. I’ll discuss each of these in more detail below.

Social bonding

One of the reasons people love beer is that it’s a social drink. It’s an effective way to bond with friends, meet new people, or have fun. Beer drinking has been shown to increase feelings of sociability and trust between people. When you bond over a shared love for beer—whether it be at home or in public—it fosters connection and builds community among those who drink together.

Taste preferences

A beer’s flavor is one of the main reasons people drink it. Beer can be dry, sweet, bitter or hoppy. You may prefer a light lager or an amber ale or even a dark porter. There are also different brands and styles of beer to choose from: Mexican cerveza is a lighter style with low alcohol content; stout beers have more intense flavors like coffee and chocolate; and barley wines have strong hops (flavors).

Different countries make their own unique kinds of beer that reflect the local ingredients available there. The Belgians made many types using wheat instead of barley as well as fruits in their brews; Germans use hops in traditional pilsners; English beers are often brewed with barley malt but also include spices that give them distinctive tastes


Beer is also cultural. It’s a part of many cultures around the world, and it has a history that goes back thousands of years. Beer is often associated with festivals and other celebrations, as well as art and music. In many cultures, beer has become an important part of entertainment culture—bars are one of the most common forms of public gathering places in many countries around the world.

Health benefits

  • B vitamins are essential for the maintenance of a healthy nervous system and metabolism. Beer is a great source of these vitamins, especially if you drink it in moderation (which we recommend!).
  • Beer is also a good source of minerals like iron, magnesium and potassium. These help maintain healthy bones and muscles. You can also get them from other sources, like leafy greens or fish, but beer has these too!
  • Antioxidants are molecules that prevent damage to cells caused by free radicals—harmful molecules produced during normal cell activity or exposure to sunlight. Some antioxidants found in beer include polyphenols and phenolic acids; studies have shown that these compounds help reduce the risk of heart disease or stroke by protecting blood vessels from oxidation damage caused by cholesterol.* Fiber helps keep our digestive systems running smoothly as well as helps us feel full longer after eating less food.* Studies have shown that moderate alcohol intake (one drink per day) may actually be beneficial for your heart health because it lowers blood pressure slightly while increasing HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels

Getting drunk

The social lubricant aspect of beer is something that many people find very attractive. It can be used to bring people together and help them relax around each other. Beer is consumed for this reason all over the world, from simple pubs to fancy restaurants where you’d expect wine or cocktails instead.

The ability of beer to lower inhibitions has been noted by researchers as far back as ancient Egypt, when they discovered that their workers were much more productive after a few days off work during which they drank heavily than before they had their break.

People Drink Beer For Lots Of Reasons

People drink beer for lots of reasons. It can be a social drink, it can taste good, and it’s often considered to be healthy (depending on how you define “healthy”). People also like the fact that drinking beer is associated with certain cultures, as well as its long history in human civilization.

International Beer Day Facts

In fact, there are actually days dedicated to celebrating beer! If you’re looking for some fun facts about beer that you can share at your next party or on International Beer Day (which falls on May 3rd), here are some interesting facts about this most beloved libation:

Beer is the third most popular drink globally (behind water and tea)

The fact that beer is the third most popular drink globally might surprise you. The top two drinks, water and tea, are more commonly associated with health and wellness (which they are), but beer has been around for thousands of years and remains one of the most popular drinks worldwide. In fact, in some countries like China and Russia where water quality can be poor or unsafe for consumption, people tend to drink more beer than any other beverage.

The United States is also one place where people favor drinking beer over other beverages: Americans drink an average of 29 gallons per person each year—that’s 10 times higher than the global average!

On International Beer Day, beer drinkers around the world will raise a glass.

The 23rd of April is International Beer Day. This day is celebrated around the world to honor beer and its wonderful qualities.

Beer has been produced since ancient times, but it wasn’t until the nineteenth century that modern brewing began. In America, German immigrants brought their love of beer with them when they crossed the Atlantic Ocean to settle in Pennsylvania and other states. They were soon joined by other European immigrants who also brought their traditions with them—and these traditions continue today!

Today, there are over 2,500 breweries in America alone; this makes it one of the largest producers of beer on Earth. With so many beers available worldwide (and more becoming available every day), it’s never been easier for you to raise a glass in celebration!

Icelanders like their beer

According to the Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health published by the World Health Organization, Iceland is the world’s most beer-drinking country. In fact, Iceland has the highest per-capita beer consumption in the world! The average Icelander drinks more than 2.5 litres of beer each week—more than double what Americans consume on average (1.2 L) and almost four times as much as people from France and Italy consume (0.6 L).

The tradition of drinking alcohol in Iceland dates back to Viking times, when Norse settlers established a trading post at Reykjavík bay around 870 AD—the first ever permanent settlement on mainland Scandinavia. During this time period, mead was plentiful and was considered an integral part of daily life—even though it was made with honey rather than barley or rye like today’s brews are made with today! This makes sense considering how cold it gets up north: having something warm by your side while sitting around a fireplace sounds pretty appealing right now…

Not all beer is created equal.

There are a variety of factors that can affect the taste and strength of your favorite brew, such as the type of water used in its production, ingredients like barley and hops, and more.

The process by which beer is made also varies depending on where you’re enjoying it.

There are 6 major types of beer.

There are six major styles of beer: lager, ale, stout, pilsner, bock and weizen. Lager is the most popular style of beer in the world and is also called pale malted lager or simply “lager.” The word comes from the German noun “lagern” which means “to store.” The term was first used in 1842 by Bavarian brewers who stored their beers at cold temperatures during fermentation to produce a cleaner flavor than warm fermentation produced.

Ales are brewed with top-fermenting yeasts, while lagers use bottom-fermenting yeasts that work best at colder temperatures. This temperature difference produces different results when it comes to alcohol content and body (light versus heavy). Ales tend to have more fruity flavors than lagers because they produce esters as part of their fermentation process; these esters give ales their flavors such as citrusy hops or spicy yeast notes like clove or banana bread.

Beer is good for you (really)!

Yes, beer is good for you.

Yes, really.

Beer has been proven to be a great source of vitamins and minerals such as B vitamins (a group of nutrients that aid in energy production), choline (a nutrient that aids brain health), selenium (an essential mineral that helps with antioxidant activity), magnesium (which regulates blood sugar levels and improves bone health), phosphorus (another mineral that helps maintain bones) and zinc (helps boost immunity). Beer is also a great source of antioxidants, which are helpful at fighting free radicals in the body — these harmful molecules can cause cell damage or mutation which can lead to cancer or other diseases. And when it comes to protein? A 12-ounce serving of beer will give you about one gram—that’s the same amount found in an egg!

Well, maybe not a glass. But if you’ve got one handy, this is a great time to fill it up.

Beer Day Facts

As you drink to the health of beer, remember that it’s also smart to drink responsibly. Here are some tips on how to do both:

  • Drink in moderation. Follow the maxim “everything in moderation,” and don’t overdo it with your beer consumption. You can still enjoy a delicious brew while maintaining your dignity and good health!
  • Don’t drink and drive. This may seem like an obvious one, but we’ve all heard the stories about drunk drivers who thought they were okay after just two beers…and then ran headlong into a tree or something equally stupid like that. Instead of putting yourself in harm’s way by getting behind the wheel after drinking, take advantage of public transit or call an Uber/Lyft (or whatever other ride-sharing service is available where you live.) And if those options aren’t available? Make sure someone else drives so that you don’t have to worry about being responsible for anyone else’s life along with your own during this fun day!

A List Of Beers For Anyone Who Likes Beer

As a connoisseur of fine beer, I’ve had the opportunity to sample many different varieties. While some are excellent, others aren’t even fit for swill. In fact, some beers are so terrible that they should be avoided at all costs. But what if you’re not sure which ones are good and which ones are bad? That’s where this list comes in handy! Here’s a list of some of the most popular beers on the market today:


Budweiser beer is a pale lager that was first brewed in 1876 in St. Louis, Missouri. It’s the best-selling beer in the United States and has been since 1933. The brew is made with water from the Anheuser-Busch brewery’s own well on site and malted barley from a handful of farms across America, which gives it its distinctively smooth taste. Budweiser is available year-round, but they also release special limited editions like Reserve Series beers (like their Bourbon Barrel Aged version), Shock Top Belgian White Wheat Ale and Black Crown Dark Lager every year during their Oktoberfest celebrations at their Beertown bar in New York City every October.

Busch Light

Busch Light is a low-calorie beer with 4.2% alcohol by volume. It’s made by Anheuser-Busch InBev, which also makes Budweiser, Michelob Ultra, and other beers.

The American variety of Busch Light contains rice as its primary ingredient instead of the more commonly used barley or corn. This lighter grain makes for a beer that has fewer calories than other types of beer, but it also slightly reduces the natural flavor profile of the beverage. Nevertheless, Busch Light remains one of America’s most popular light beers in terms of both sales and popularity amongst young drinkers who often prefer to drink something that isn’t too heavy on their stomachs before going out at night.

Busch Light Apple is a crisp, refreshing beer that tastes like you’re drinking an apple cider. It’s a sweet, fruity flavor that’s sure to please even the pickiest of drinkers.

Miller Lite

Miller Lite is a pilsner-style pale lager brewed by Miller Brewing Company. It has a sweet taste and high carbonation, as well as 4.2% alcohol by volume. The beer is made with corn syrup and rice syrup sweeteners, along with hops and other natural ingredients.

The company was founded in 1855 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin by Frederick Jabs when he purchased the Plank Road Brewery from Jacob Best’s son-in-law Edmund Glazer for $25,000.[1] The brewery was run by Jabs’ sons after his death until their own retirements in 1951; it was then sold to Philip Morris that same year for $25 million (equivalent to $250 million today).

Bud Light

Bud Light is a light lager brewed with a combination of rice and barley malt. It has a 4.2% alcohol content, and it’s crisp, the clean taste makes it an excellent beer for casual drinking.

Bud Light Platinum is an American lager beer. It was introduced in 2009 as a higher-calorie version of Budweiser, and it is brewed with rice. The beer is marketed at a higher price point than other beers, and it comes in cans or bottles.

Bud Light Retro Summer is a new line of Bud Light inspired by summer. The cans have a retro design.

Bud Light Chelada is a beer cocktail that combines Bud Light with Clamato, a tomato-based beverage. It was created in the 1990s by bartender Luis Flores in Mexico, who named it after his favorite soccer team: Club Deportivo Guadalajara. The cocktail became popular at Mexican restaurants and bars in the United States.

Yuengling Beer

Yuengling Beer is an American pale lager brewed by D. G. Yuengling & Son, Inc., located in Pottsville, Pennsylvania. In addition to its flagship beer, Yuengling also brews Black & Tan (a mix of Yuengling Lager and Yuengling Traditional Dark), Lord Chesterfield Ale (a higher ABV version of the original Lager), Light Lager (an easy-drinking session beer with just 4% ABV), and Premium Draft Beer.

Yuengling was founded in 1829 by David Gottlieb Jüngling as Eagle Brewery on Centre Street in Pottsville but has remained under family control for seven generations since then. The brewery began selling its beer outside the region only in 1987; so far it has been able to retain its regional identity despite distribution across most of the eastern United States.

The company produces over 2 million barrels annually through two facilities—the original brewery site located at Fifth Street East between Chestnut Avenue and Vine Street, and a newer facility opened up nearby at Eighth Street West between Poplar Avenue and Greenleaf Avenue. The brewery claims these two locations are connected underground via a tunnel system which allows them to move materials quickly without having to deal with traffic congestion problems above ground; this may be related somehow to their slogan: “Born below ground.”

Modelo Beer

Modelo beer is a pale lager brewed by Cerveceria Modelo that is popular in Mexico. It’s also available in many other countries, including the United States.

Coors Light

  • The Coors Light brand is known for its crisp, refreshing taste.
  • It’s the best-selling beer in the United States and the second most popular beer in America (after Bud Light).
  • The Coors Brewing Company was founded in 1873 by Adolph Coors and Jacob Schueler. The brewery was originally located in Golden, Colorado. Today it’s owned by MolsonCoors; they also own Keystone Light.

Blue Moon Beer

Blue Moon is a Belgian-style wheat beer brewed by Coors and available in cans and bottles. It’s made with orange peel and coriander, which give it its unique flavor. Blue Moon is brewed in Golden, Colorado; it’s 5.4% alcohol by volume (ABV).

Keystone Beer

Keystone is a light beer with a mild flavor, and it’s brewed by the Coors Brewing Company. It’s a popular beer in the United States, and if you drink it often enough, you’ll notice that its taste is similar to other light beers—but not exactly like them. That’s because Keystone uses water, barley malt (a grain used to make beer), corn syrup (a sweetener), and hops (a bitter plant). The product itself is manufactured in Golden, Colorado; however, all ingredients are grown in other parts of America or Canada before they’re brought together here.

Keystone Beer has been around since 1893 when Adolph Coors opened up his first brewery with his brother Jacobus after emigrating from Germany. He named their operation “Our Brewery”. Over time there have been many changes including new ownerships but one thing has remained constant: good quality products made from natural ingredients.#ENDWRITE

Guinness Beer

Guinness Beer is a dark beer made in Ireland, and it has a thick head that’s similar to a marshmallow. The taste of Guinness is strong and bitter, which can be an acquired taste for some people. It also has high carbonation, making it difficult to drink if you’re not used to it.

Guinness Beer can be high in calories and carbohydrates due to its high alcohol content (estimated at 4%). Although Guinness does contain some protein (1 gram per 8 oz), there isn’t much nutritional value for anyone who chooses this option over other beers on this list.

Hamms Beer

Hamms is a lager that’s brewed in the United States. It is produced by Hamm’s Brewery, which was founded by German immigrant John Adam Hamm in 1848. Hamms has 5% alcohol content and an original gravity of 11 degrees Plato. You can also find some slightly lower-alcohol versions of this beer on certain shelves at your favorite store; these are called “Light” or “Clear.”


It’s no secret that people like beer, and they drink it for a variety of reasons. From social bonding to taste preferences, culture to health benefits and even getting drunk, there are many things that can cause someone to enjoy this drink. While some may find these reasons frivolous or unnecessary for enjoying their favorite beverage, others see them as valid reasons why it has been around for so long
