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15 Facts About Fitness

Fitness is the progress of the human physical body, as well as its use or ability to function. It’s an is a behavioral quality that concerns correct exercise. As well, it is a concept that embodies the various aspects of fitness. The significance of fitness can be connected to health and wellness, performance, physique and appearance. It’s also a broad term and can incorporate nutrition, sleep, medical diagnosis and prevention, stress management, pharmacological ethics (which includes permissions and constraint), mind-body-spirituality-philosophy practices, dynamic opposition qualities (such as flexibility), and other qualities.

Did you know there is 15 fun (not so fun and fun) facts about fitness that every lifter should know? Well, I’m about to share them with you. Are you ready?

1. Sitting can be as unhealthy as smoking

Most of us sit for about six hours a day, whether in front of our desks, on the couch, or in the car. But research shows that too much sitting is bad for your health—it can increase your risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer. In fact, one study suggests that it’s even more dangerous than smoking. Getting up and moving around every hour is critical to staying healthy while you’re working on the computer or watching TV. It’s also important to exercise regularly (get moving at least 30 minutes a day) and to stand up whenever you have the chance—for example when talking on the phone instead of sitting down; or taking breaks with walking meetings at work instead of having seated brainstorming sessions; or doing your morning workout before catching up on emails.

2. Exercising is great for your mental and physical health

Aside from the physical benefits, exercising regularly has a ton of positive mental effects. You’ll feel better, more confident in yourself and your abilities, and it can also help you deal with stress. Exercising releases endorphins into your body, which are chemicals that improve your mood and make you happier.

If you’ve ever been sore when working out, that’s because of the release of lactic acid into your muscles. While this may cause some post-workout soreness when first starting an exercise routine, it will dissipate over time as you continue exercising regularly.

So if you want to be happier and feel more confident in yourself, working out is one of the best things you can do for yourself!

3. You don’t have to do boring and repetitive exercise

Do you ever find yourself wishing you could skip your workout? Or does the thought of trudging up and down the same flight of stairs for an hour seem exhausting? If so, it might be time to shake things up. The good news is that physical fitness doesn’t need to be the same routine over and over again. So long as whatever workout you choose involves consistent exertion of real effort, you’ll be working various muscle groups and improving your overall health. And in fact, it’s recommended that you vary your routine from time to time because doing so can help prevent injury by strengthening muscles in a variety of ways.

You might think that jumping into a new sport or activity would mean having to shell out money on equipment or joining an expensive gym, but there are many free options available if you do some research—from running with friends at a park to following YouTube videos at home! Even more importantly, there are plenty of low-cost options if you want something more structured: dance classes can help strengthen coordination; yoga is now available integrated into more than just studios; canoeing is often offered through community centers; swimming pools are usually open during peak hours at local schools; and hiking trails abound throughout nature preserves on the outskirts of most cities.

If finding something enjoyable sounds scary or weirdly social (we feel ya), remember that oftentimes people enjoy exercising with others because it creates a sense of community and makes them feel welcomed into a space for growth—so don’t be afraid to try something new!

4. Working out with friends can make you more motivated

Working out with others can be great for your motivation, as well as your social life! It’s much more fun to exercise with company than to do it alone, and you’ll find yourself looking forward to your workouts that much more. You’ll learn from each other and help get through the tough times—and maybe even show off a little. Find a friend who shares your fitness goals, or an activity that you both enjoy! Try playing tennis together, or just go for regular walks around the neighborhood. If you’re looking for something group-focused, why not try Zumba? This high-energy dance exercise has been gaining popularity all over the world since its rise in South America during the 90s. It’s absolutely perfect if you’re looking for a fun way to work on those cardio skills and tone up before swimsuit season hits!

5. You don’t have to get super fit in order to get healthy.

You might feel intimidated when you watch people exercise at high levels, but here’s what you need to know about fitness:

  • You don’t have to get super fit in order to get healthy. In fact, regular moderate exercise is linked with improved sleep quality, higher energy levels, and reduced stress. Whether your body is fit or not, these are all benefits that will make a big impact on your day-to-day life!
  • There are many ways that you can get started with fitness. If you’re wondering where to begin, try out the following activities:
  • Walking around the block for 20 minutes per day
  • Going for a hike
  • Doing push-ups and sit-ups at home (and if you’re feeling ambitious, squats)

6. The best way to motivate yourself to exercise is to set small goals

The best way to motivate yourself to exercise is by setting small goals. Start with a goal that’s attainable and don’t worry about adding in ambitious goals later. A SMART goal is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. For example, a good first goal would be “I will run one mile at a moderate pace every day for two weeks” or “I will do 15 minutes of yoga every day for a month.” Then set your calendar reminders and begin! To stay on track, keep track of your progress and mark it down: Was today the third time you’ve done yoga this week? Write it down! Did you miss yesterday? Don’t beat yourself up—just go back to your routine today.

7. You need to exercise at 100 percent intensity only if you’re training for a specific sport or event

You need to exercise at 100 percent intensity only if you’re training for a specific sport or event. Even then, you should start at a lower intensity, and gradually increase it as your body becomes stronger. If you’re not training for an event, there’s no need to push yourself to reach the highest level of exertion possible. In fact, that can be dangerous.

8. You don’t have to spend hours in the gym every day to see results

Getting fit doesn’t mean you have to spend the bulk of your free time sweating it out at the gym. In fact, spending too much time in the gym is actually counterproductive. More isn’t always better!

To see results, you can get away with a lot less exercise than you think. In order to make your workouts more effective and productive, keep them short and intense (15-30 minutes). You can do this by alternating between sets of cardio and strength training exercises with little rest in between. Try a circuit like this one:

  • 20 Jumping Jacks
  • 10 Push-Ups or Sit-Ups
  • 30 Second Plank or Crunches
  • 20 Squats or Lunges (each leg)

Repeat two more times for a total of three rounds. Rest for 60 seconds after each round, then move on to strength training exercises using weights or resistance bands. Do 3 sets of 8-12 reps for each exercise and save squats, lunges, and other compound moves for last since they engage several muscle groups at once. This will help you work smarter instead of longer!

9. You should be able to hold a conversation while exercising (unless you’re sprinting)

The talk test is a way to measure your level of exertion while exercising. If you can’t keep up a conversation with your trainer or exercise buddy, you’re probably working too hard. To figure out how hard you should be working out, use the 220 minus age formula to get your maximum heart rate at rest. Then take 50%–70% of that number and try to stay in that range while exercising. If you’re not working out that hard, pick up the pace!

10. If you want safe and effective results, it’s important to work with a personal trainer or fitness instructor who knows your medical history and fitness goals

Personal trainers and fitness instructors help people develop exercise programs that fit their needs, abilities, and preferences. When working with a qualified personal trainer or instructor, you can safely maximize your workout results while reducing the risk of injury or burnout.

To be certified as a personal trainer or group fitness instructor, an individual must hold a national certification credential from one of many professional organizations which have been approved by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). Before giving you advice on your workout regimen, make sure your trainer holds one of these certifications and is insured as well. A certified personal trainer will have specific knowledge about human anatomy and physiology, nutrition for health and exercise performance, behavior change principles for improving health-related behaviors such as physical activity participation and healthy eating habits, assessment of aerobic capacity and muscular strength/endurance in adults (and youth if applicable), designing resistance training programs for healthy adults (and youth if applicable), designing aerobic endurance training programs for healthy adults (and youth if applicable), program design considerations for special populations such as the elderly or pregnant women, prevention of athletic injuries related to physical activity participation in adults (and youth if applicable)

By working with a trained professional who knows your medical history and what you hope to gain from exercise — whether it’s weight loss or better lung functioning — you can get the most out of your workouts while also feeling confident that what you’re doing is safe!

11. It’s okay to take a break from fitness

While it might not seem like it at the time, taking a break from your fitness regimen can actually be beneficial for you.

So, when should you take a break? If you’re experiencing pain in your body or have an injury that isn’t healing properly, then it’s probably time for you to take a break. Additionally, burnout is real and it’s okay to take a mental health break from fitness if you need one. No amount of effort will be effective in improving your health unless your mind and body are both aligned with the same goal.

12. You don’t have to exercise for hours at a time in order to see results

You don’t have to exercise for hours at a time in order to see results. In fact, if you exercise too much without taking breaks, you could actually hurt yourself! A good rule of thumb is to try to get 30 minutes of moderate or vigorous exercise five days a week. If that sounds like too much, there are a few simple ways that you can work out more efficiently and cut down on your total workout time:

  • Break up your workouts—try going for a morning jog before work and a quick walk during lunch break.
  • Exercise at home—whether it’s yoga, running on the treadmill or lifting weights, there are many options that don’t require an expensive gym membership or fancy equipment.
  • Do HIIT (high intensity interval training)—this type of workout alternates between high-intensity bursts of activity with short rest periods in between. This means shorter workouts overall!

13. You can still see results even if you have low energy or physical limitations

It’s a common misconception that only certain types of people can be fit. But the truth is, anyone and everyone can get started on their fitness journey, regardless of their current physical condition.

Certain exercises are more strenuous than others and require a lot of energy. However, there are many other types of exercises that can be done even when you have low energy or physical limitations. For example, yoga requires less effort and is very beneficial for your health in many ways. Swimming and cycling are also good choices because they put less stress on your body than running or walking. These two activities also give you the opportunity to get some fresh air!

There are many different ways to get fit; it’s not just about looking good in a mirror or being able to lift weights at the gym every day – fitness can improve your health as well! So start today by taking small steps towards achieving your goals!

14. The amount of time you spend exercising doesn’t matter as much as how hard you work while doing it

According to the American College of Sports Medicine, a 20-minute HIIT session can burn more calories than a 60-minute low intensity session.

The benefits of HIIT are due to its ability to increase your body’s resting metabolism. After a HIIT workout, your metabolism can be elevated for hours afterwards, continuing to burn calories long after you’ve stopped exercising. The reason is simple: working at high intensities requires more energy than working at low intensities, so your body increases the amount of energy it takes in as fuel to keep up with demand.

One of the biggest reasons people don’t exercise as much as they’d like is that they simply don’t have time. As such, HIIT is especially attractive because it allows you to exercise for less time than traditional workouts and still reap the same benefits (or better).

15. Fitness is more accessible than you might think

If you’re in a hurry, you can make your fitness goals happen as soon as possible. For instance, if you want to add pounds of muscle mass but don’t have much time to get there, you’ll be thrilled to know that doing just 10 reps of a body-weight workout can increase your heart rate and boost your muscles’ metabolism. That’s right: the same exercise that will help you build muscle will also burn calories at the same time.

This is why another fitness website offers a simple cardio routine that’s perfect for those who don’t have much time or money on their side and still want to see results. You don’t need to spend hours at the gym; all you need is some determination.

Anyone can get fit, no matter what their circumstances

So you really want to get in shape but are worried it’s not possible with your busy schedule or lack of workout equipment? Don’t let these things hold you back! You can tone up, slim down, and build muscle—no matter what your circumstances.

Exercising doesn’t have to mean hours spent at the gym every day; there’s no need for fancy equipment that takes up most of your living space. Getting fit requires only your own willpower and the right motivation. With a few simple tricks, you too can learn how to get fit on a budget or with the minimal time commitment.

Best Gift Idea For Gym Lovers And Fitness Enthusiasts

If you’re in search of the best gifts for gym lovers and fitness enthusiasts, you’ve come to the right place. Whether it’s your dad, your boyfriend or your best friend, we have a perfect list of fitness gifts that you can choose from.

We all know that there are plenty of things that you can buy for health buffs and gym rats, but choosing the right one is never easy. That’s why we have listed down 5 things that they will surely love to receive.

  • Gym Bag – A gym bag is one of the most practical gifts that you can give to gym lovers. If their current one is old and worn out, then it’s time to get them a new one with more pockets and compartments for their sports accessories. Choose something that has a hard bottom so it can hold up all their stuff without any hassle. You can also pick an eco-friendly material like recycled nylon or hemp if you want them to go green while working out. There are also different colors available so you don’t have to worry about not finding the right shade for your recipient’s style.
  • Fitness tracking device – A fitness tracker is an absolute must-have for any gym lover. This is such a simple gift that’s sure to be used regularly by the recipient. A fitness tracker will allow them to keep track of their steps, distance travelled and calories burned while they work out. If they’re really into their fitness, then they may even be able to sync it with apps that track their food intake, weight and sleep patterns.
  • Straw Water Bottle – Most people don’t drink nearly enough water throughout the day, but if your loved one loves working out then it is important for them to stay hydrated throughout the day. Get them a reusable straw water bottle so that they can easily sip on it any time of the day.
  • Resistance Bands – Resistance bands are great because they are very versatile in what exercises you can use them for while also being easy to transport. You might even want to buy them a few different resistance bands so that they can increase or decrease the resistance depending on the exercise and their strength level.
  • Gym T-Shirt Designs – Gym t-shirts are great gift ideas that can be given to fitness enthusiasts who like to work out or exercise at the gym or outdoors. They are functional and stylish at the same time because they can be worn while exercising yet they do not look too sporty or athletic in style. There are different types of gym t-shirt designs available in the market. Some have simple and plain designs while others have catchy slogans printed on them such as “Sweat Is Sexy” or “I’m Not Lazy, I Just Really Enjoy Doing Nothing”. There are also those that have graphic designs printed on them like a bodybuilder’s silhouette with a list of muscle names on it.